Scientists have discovered an explosive that was gathered from the WTC debris soon after the towers were destroyed on 9/11. Brigham Young University Physics Professor, Dr. Steven Jones united – a global group of nine analysts for more reasoning. Also, the scientists confirmed that the samples were Nano-thermitic explosives.
There’s thousands of people that have challenged the government’s conspiracy theory. High-ranking military officers, academics, and architects, as well as hundreds of 9/11 firemen. Twenty-five military officers have stated that the official 9/11 story is,“Ludicrous”, “A well-organized cover-up”, “Impossible”. There are many other people that have conspiracies on the 9/11 story. The whole story seems like a joke. Commissioners of 9/11 say that the government didn’t tell us the whole truth about 9/11, counting its Chairman.
Thomas Kean (Republican), Vice Chairman, Lee Hamilton (Democrat), and its Senior Legal Counsel, John Farmer, who states, “there was an agreement not to tell the truth.” CNN shows that 89% suppose there’s a U.S. government cover-up neighboring 9/11. A scientific poll by New York Times & CBS News says, 81% think it is hiding something or mostly lying, only 16% of Americans assume the government is telling the truth about 9/11.
This is dedicated to the (3052 or 3056) people who lost their life on 911. It is for the 343 Bravest from The New York City Fire Department and the 60 Finest from The Port Authority and The New York City Police Forces, who lost their life, in the hope of saving the life of others.
It is also dedicated to John O'Neil who died on his second day on the job as head of security for the World Trade Center (WTC). Strangely, before his new job at the WTC John O'Neil resigned as the chief of the FBI Terror Task Force responsible for the investigation into al-Qaeda and Usama bin Laden. He resigned the FBI in disgust because he was not allowed to do his job in going after al-Qaeda and Usama bin Laden.
It is also dedicated to Scott Shuger, who was the only mainstream or alternative media writer who had the courage to write about the elementary mathematical facts (that the two United States Air Force (USAF) F-15 fighters ordered to intercept United Airlines Flight 175 and the two or three USAF F-16 fighters ordered to intercept American Airlines Flight 77 were flying at only 25.8% and 27.4% of their top speed) of the NORAD Press Release of September 18, 2001. Scott's article is called IGNORAD The Military Screw-up Nobody Talks About. Scott Shuger astonishingly died in a scuba diving accident on June 15, 2002.
Finally, this timeline it is dedicated to all of us who search and expose the truth, with a special thanks to one of the most courageous Americans, Meria Heller. Meria was the only person in the media who would allow me to talk about what really happened on September 11, 2001.
In the over one hundred year history of steel high-rises and skyscrapers there has never been a single one which has collapsed due to fire. On September 11, 2001 there were three such structures which fell.
World Trade Center Buildings Numbers One, Two and Seven.
September 18, 2001 NORAD Press Release about the response times of the United States Air Force.
Building 7 (also known as WTC 7) was a 47-story skyscraper that stood on the block immediately north of the block that contained the rest of the World Trade Center complex. Building 7 was shrouded in secrecy. Then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had a bunker on the 23rd floor.
What is Building 7?
Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001. It was not hit by an airplane and suffered minimal damage compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers.
If fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise.
Building 7’s collapse was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report.
According to a Zogby poll in 2006, 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7.
It took the federal government seven years to conduct an investigation and issue a report for Building 7.
1,700+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives.
Numerous witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner.
Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”.
Photographs of Building 7 prior to its collapse show only small areas of fire.
Building 7 was not hit by any aircraft, and apparently did not suffer massive damage from the violent destruction of either of the Twin Towers. Small fires were observed in a few different parts of the building prior to its "collapse." Most of the fires were barely visible, and were not hot enough to cause window breakage, at least on the north side of the tower, of which there are photos shortly before the collapse. The largest observed fires were the ones visible on the southeast wall shown in the photograph.
Firemen evacuated the area as they prepared for the collapse of Building Seven. 1
There are no photographs that show large fires in Building 7. Tom Franklin did not take any photos of the building before heeding firemen's orders to evacuate the area. Had there been large fires, one would expect that the professional photographer would have documented them.
Building 7 underwent a total structural collapse at 5:20 PM. 2 Although there were few people in the area to witness its destruction, several videos captured the event. Like the collapses of the Twin Towers, the collapse of Building 7 commenced suddenly and was over in seconds. At first the penthouse, which rests on central columns, began to drop. Within a second the entire building began to drop as a whole, falling into its footprint in a precisely vertical fashion. The destruction of Building 7, which is not explained by the official theory, looked exactly like a standard controlled demolition.
WTC7 rubble pile
In under seven seconds Building 7 was transformed from a skyscraper to a tidy pile of rubble .
The official story is that "ancillary damage" from the collapses of the Twin Towers led to the collapse of WTC 7. In fact Building 7 was separated from the North Tower by Building 6 and Vesey Street. A photograph of its north facade taken in the afternoon shows isolated small fires, and not even a single window was broken.
After the 9/11 attacks, the public was told al Qaeda acted alone, with no state sponsors.
But the White House never let it see an entire section of Congress’ investigative report on 9/11 dealing with “specific sources of foreign support” for the 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudi nationals.
It was kept secret and remains so today.
President Bush inexplicably censored 28 full pages of the 800-page report. Text isn’t just blacked-out here and there in this critical-yet-missing middle section. The pages are completely blank, except for dotted lines where an estimated 7,200 words once stood (this story by comparison is about 1,000 words).
A pair of lawmakers who recently read the redacted portion say they are “absolutely shocked” at the level of foreign state involvement in the attacks.
Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) can’t reveal the nation identified by it without violating federal law. So they’ve proposed Congress pass a resolution asking President Obama to declassify the entire 2002 report, “Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”
Some information already has leaked from the classified section, which is based on both CIA and FBI documents, and it points back to Saudi Arabia, a presumed ally.
The Saudis deny any role in 9/11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found “incontrovertible evidence” that Saudi government officials — not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the kingdom — helped the hijackers both financially and logistically.…
The National Security Agency advised its officials to cite the 9/11
attacks as justification for its mass surveillance activities, according
to a master list of NSA talking points.
The document, obtained by Al Jazeera through a Freedom of Information Act request, contains talking points and suggested statements for NSA officials (PDF) responding to the fallout from media revelations that originated with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
Invoking the events of 9/11 to justify the controversial NSA programs, which have caused major diplomatic fallout around the world, was the top item on the talking points that agency officials were encouraged to use.
Under the subheading “Sound Bites That Resonate,” the document suggests the statement “I much prefer to be here today explaining these programs, than explaining another 9/11 event that we were not able to prevent.”
NSA head Gen. Keith Alexander used a slightly different version of that statement when he testified before Congress on June 18 in defense of the agency’s surveillance programs.
Asked to comment on the document, NSA media representative Vanee M. Vines pointed Al Jazeera to Alexander’s congressional testimony on Tuesday, and said the agency had no further comment. In keeping with the themes listed in the talking points, the NSA head told legislators that “it is much more important for this country that we defend this nation and take the beatings than it is to give up a program that would result in this nation being attacked.”